Taiki Matsunaga : A Shape of Red

Sokyo Gallery is pleased to announce a solo exhibition by Taiki Matsunaga.


Matsunaga has a studio in Tajimi city, and he has been working closely with Midori Kamogashira, a ceramic doll artist. Utilizing subtle shades of color, a smoothly textured surface, and peculiar forms in a fine balance, he has established a unique style that viewers can understand at a glance. Although the gravity-defying enigmatic shapes are striking, there are other charming characteristics that can also be observed. Particular attention was not only paid to shapes but also the other fine details in the works. With the precision of machinery, intricate line patterns are carved into the works, which assign it a sense of dignified calm.


The latest works of Matsunaga are inspired from the characteristics of various creatures that have evolved over the years. As he stated, “There are a lot of attractive forms of creatures that have changed and evolved over a long period of time, such as a form of a nut, seed, and bird’s beak.” At this exhibition, we are pleased to introduce approximately 40 ceramic works with red pigment including flower vases, bowls, and other wares.