視角の差異 2019-5/ Difference of Viewpoint 2019-5
2019, キャンバスにアクリル/ Acrylic on shaped canvas
H104 × W40.2 cm -
視角の差異 2019-7/ Difference of Viewpoint 2019-7
2019 キャンバスにアクリル/ Acrylic on shaped canvas
H104 × W40.2 cm -
視角の差異 2019-6/ Difference of Viewpoint 2019-6
2019 キャンバスにアクリル/ Acrylic on shaped canvas
H104 × W40.2 cm -
律と色 20-05/ Rhythm and Color 20-05 2020
韓紙にアクリル/ Acryric on Korean paperH80 × W61 cm
Relationship 20-1501
2020, キャンバス、韓紙にアクリル絵具/ Acrylic color on Korean paper, canvasH117 × W240 cm
律と色 20-04/ Rhythm and Color 20-04 2020
韓紙にアクリル/ Acryric on Korean paperH80 × W61 cm
Relationship 2020-506
2020 キャンバス、韓紙にアクリル絵具/ Acrylic color on Korean paper, canvas
H80 × W117 cm -
Relationship 20-503
2020, キャンバス、韓紙にアクリル絵具/ Acrylic color on Korean paper, canvas
H80 × W117 cm
Relationship 21-502
2021, キャンバス、韓紙にアクリル絵具/ Acrylic color on Korean paper, canvas
H80 × W117 cm
Relationship 20-504-2
2020, キャンバス、韓紙にアクリル絵具/ Acrylic Color on Korean paper, Canvas
H117 × W80 cm
Light & Color 21-503
2021, キャンバス、韓紙にアクリル絵具/ Acrylic color on Korean paper, canvas
H80 × W117 cm
Kim Jai Kwan: Post Relationship
Past exhibition