CAT (Collaborative Art Team) | Kimiyo Mishima
Press preview: Saturday, June 22, 2024, 4 - 6PM
Dates: Tuesday, June 25, 2024 - Wednesday, August 7
Venue: Sokyo
CAT is excited to announce its second exhibition of this project series led by children.
Unfortunately, we were not able to work alongside Mishima, but with the help of Junzo Ueda and Fumio Yoshida from the Mishima Studio, the children created ceramic artworks using silk screen techniques, and even experienced the tension and playfulness of ceramic art by stepping on Mishima's Leaflet.
This exhibition will feature Mishima's collage work Memory I, II, from the 1971 made of horse racing tickets her husband lost, the ceramic works Paper Bag A, B, C and Box Coca Cola 22-3, as well as ceramics and collages made by children.
CAT is an institution open to all children from different backgrounds. Through art, we hope to connect with children around the world and work with them to create a better society.
Jennifer Henbest Calvillo, Osaka International School
Atsumi Fujita, Sokyo Gallery
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