Kazunori Hamana and Yoichi Umetsu: A Room with Six Floating Pots and Message Bottles

Kazunori Hamana and Yoichi Umetsu: A Room with Six Floating Pots and Message Bottles

Dates:  Saturday, December 4, 2021 - Saturday, February 19, 2022

Venue: Sokyo Annex


Sokyo Gallery is proud to present A Room with Six Floating Pots and Message Bottles, a collaborative exhibition by Kazunori Hamana and Yoichi Umetsu. There is little evident overlap in the works of Hamana and Umetsu. Rather, the connection might be described in terms of their attitudes and positions. The collaboration began with Hamana providing work, and Umetsu then preparing a situation in which the artworks themselves could engage in a dialogue — but not an “installation” or “curation” per se, which would have added external context.