Kimiyo Mishima, passed away at the age of 91

With deep regret and profound sadness, Artist Kimiyo Mishima, whose work has gained both local and global recognition in recent years, has passed away on the 19th of June at the age of 91.
We offer our heartfelt condolences to her family and friends.


"Never lose curiosity."
"I play as if my life depended on it."
"I did it because I simply thought it was interesting."
"To keep persevering, eventually the age where female artist are recognized will come."

Not only from her artworks have we felt Mishima's passion and overflowing energy, but her enthusiastic words have always inspired us. We deeply respect the individualistic and innocent way of life of Mishima, who's unyielding spirit established a unique style of expression while interacting with members of Gutai, Mono-ha, Sodeisha and other groups. We hope that Mishima's legacy will be continuously recognized and loved for the generations to come.

June 28, 2024
of 14