1937-2024  Born in Kyoto, Japan

1959 Graduated from Kyoto City University of Arts, Sculpture department

   Studied under Shindo Tsuji, Masakazu Horiuchi and Kazuo Yagi.

1964  Became member of Sodeisha(until group’s dissolution in 1998)



Solo Exhibitions

1964  Akiyama Gallery, Tokyo.

1972  Nihon Gallery Tokyo.

1974  Nihon Gallery, Tokyo. Daimaru Department Store, Osaka.

1975  Imabashi Gallery, Osaka.

1976  Imabashi Gallery, Osaka.

1977  Isetan Department Store, Tokyo.

      Yodo Gallery, Osaka.

1978  Isetan Department Store, Tokyo.

      Yodo Gallery, Osaka.

1979  Isetan Department Store, Tokyo.

      Asahi Gallery, Kyoto.

      Tosenbo Gallery, Kyoto.

1980  Isetan Department Store, Tokyo.

1982  Gallery Nakamura, Kyoto.

      Isetan Department Store, Tokyo.

      Yodo Gallery, Osaka.

      Gallery Haku, Osaka.

1983  Isetan Department Store, Tokyo.

1984  Yamaki Art Gallery, Osaka.

      Daniel Robert, Vézelay, France.

1985  Yodo Gallery, Osaka.

      J. Darraby Gallery, Los Angeles, U.S.A.

1986  Isetan Department Store, Tokyo.

      Isetan Department Store, Shizuoka.

      A.B.C Gallery, Osaka

1987  Isetan Department Store, Sizuoka.

      Gallery Arai, Osaka.

      Gallery Yu, Nagoya.

      Gallery Yamaki, Osaka.

1988  Gallery Mori, Tokyo.

      Meitetsu Department Store, Nagoya.



Group Exhibitions

1958  Kyoten, Kyoto Municipal Museum, Kyoto.

      Awarded with the Mayer Prize at Kyoten.

1959  Kansai Composite Art Exhibition, Osaka Municipal Museum of Art, Osaka.

      2nd Prize at the Kansai Composite Art Exhibition.

      Kyôten, Kyoto Municipal Museum, Kyoto.

      The Mayer Prize at Kyöten.

1960  Invited to the Kyöten, Kyoto Municipal Museum.

      Asahi Exhibition for New Faces, Takasimaya Department Store.

1963  Kyoto Superior Works Exhibition, Kyoto Municipal Museum, Kyoto.

1964  8th Mainichi Selected Art Exhibition, Fujii Daimaru Department Store, Kyoto.

1969  Kyoto Sculpture Exhibition for New Faces, Kyoto Prefectural Gallery.

1970  Three Artists Show, Odakyu Harc, Tokyo.

1971  Kyoto Sculpture Exhibition for New Faces, Kyoto Prefectural Gallery.

      Ceramics of Contemporary-American, Conadian, Mexican and Japasese Modern Ceramic. Art Exhibition, National

      Vuseum of Modern Art, Kyoto and Tokyo.

      International Competition of Ceramic Art Faenza, Italy.

      1st Japan Ceramic Art Exhibition, Daimaru Department Store, Tokyo.

      Japanese Ceramic Art Exhibition Traveling in U.S.A. and Canada.

1973  2nd Japan Ceramic Art Exhibition, Daimaru Department Store, Tokyo.

      Prize of the Minister of Education at the 2nd Japan Ceramic Art Exhibition.

      Calgary International Ceramic Art Exhibition, Canada.

      Japanese Ceramic Art Exhibition Traveling in South America.

      The Exhibition of Bird's Eye View of Modern Crafts, NationalMuseum of Modern Art, Kyoto.

      Art Now '73, Museum of Modern Art, Hyogo.

      International Cup Exhibition, Art Museum of Nihonkai-Exhibition, Kanazawa.

      Selected Ceramists in Modern Japan, Mitsukoshi Department Store, Tokyo.

      Four Artists show, Gallery Iteza, Kyoto.

      Art and Craft Exhibition, Gallery Iteza, Kyoto.

      Exhibition of New Foim and New Life, Gallery Saishu-Bijutsu, Osaka.

1975  Art Now '75, Museum of Modern Art, Hyogo.

      3rd Japan Ceramic Art Exhibition, Daimaru Departmest Store, Tokyo and others.

      International Competition of Ceramic Art Faenza, Italy.

      Art and Craft Exhibition, Imabashi Gallery, Osaka.

1976  Modern Japanese Ceramics Exhibition Traveling in Australia and New Zealand, organized. by Japan Foundation,

      Exhibition of the Japanese Ceramics and Porcelains, Schbelin National Museum, East. Germany.

      The New Arts with Ceramics, Ao Gallery, Tokyo.

1977  4th Japan Ceramic Art Exhibition, Daimaru Department Store, Tokyo and others.

1978  Modern Japanese Craft Exhibition, National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto.

      Modern Craftsman Exhibition, Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art.

1979  Invited to 5th Japan Ceramic Art Exhibition, Daimaru Department Store, Tokyo.

      New Works of the Prizers at the Japan Ceramic Art Exhibitions, Daimaru Department Store, Tokyo and others.

      Modern Craft Exhibition, Museum of Modern Art, Gunma.

      Contemporary Japanese Ceramic Art Exhibition, Denver Museum of Arts, U.S.A.

      Exhibition of little Sculpture, Gallery Haku, Osaka.

      Modern Japanese Ceramic Art Exhibition, Canterbury Museum, New Zealand.

1980  Clay Work Exhibition, Seibu Department Store, Otsu and Tokyo.

1981  International Miniature Exhibition organized by International Ceramic Art Academy, Kyoto. Prefectural Culture and Art Hall, Kyoto.

      Clay Work Exhibition, Seibu Department Store, Tokyo.

      Invited to 6th Japan Ceramic Art Exhibition, Daimaru Department Store, Tokyo.

      Twelve Ceramic Artists in Kyoto, Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art.

      Exhibition of Modern Tableware: "Sosogu (Pouring)", National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo.

1982  Modern Japanese Ceramic Art Exhibition Traveling in Italy. organized by Japan Foundation, Faenza and others.

      Ceramic Today, Seibu Department Store, Tokyo.

      Tobleware Exhibition, Tokyo Art Club, Tokyo.

1983  Modern Japanese Ceramic Art Exhibition Traveling in Canada, Quebec Museum of Art.

      Asahi Contemporary Craft Exhibition, Hankyu Department Store, Osaka.

      Ceramic Today, Seibu Department Store, Tokyo.

      Invited to 7th Japan Ceramic Art Exhibition, Daimaru Department Store, Tokyo.

      Modern Japanese Craft Exhibition, Fukui Museum of Art.

      Modern Ceramists in Kyoto, Daimary Dapartment Store, Kyoto.

      Miniature Exhibition, Gallery Haku, Osaka.

      Six Artists Show, Kyoto College of Art.

1984  Clay Work '84, Gallery Marronnier, Kyoto.

      Three Artists Show, Akasaka Green Gallely Tokyo.

      15th Basel Art Fair (Kunst Messe Basell, Gallery Yamaki.

1985  Invited to 3rd Japan Ceramic Art Exhibition, Daimaru Department Store, Tokyo.

      3rd Biennale of International Ceramic Art, Chateauroux, Bertlan Museum, France.

      Contemporary Clay Work, Kure Municipal Museum of Art, Hiroshima.

      Pacific Connections, LAICA ILos Angeles Institure of Contemporary Art), Los Angeles.

      Clay — Its Images and Forms, Seibu Department Store, Otsu and Tokyo. (1981-1985)

1986  Two Men Show, Tsukashin Seibu.

      Beauty of HAKUJI, Saga, Kyushu Ceramic Museum.

      Arts with Clay and Fire, Modern Ceramic Art, Tottori Museum.

      Contemporary Art-Clay and Fire-Gifu Museum of Modern Art.

      Japan des Avant Gardes Centre, Georges Pompidou, Paris.

      Traveling Exhibition of Modern Japanese Ceramics.

      Eastern Europe, U.S.A.

      '86 Selected Artists Exhibition. Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art.

      Bowl for The Tea Ceremony, Gallery Mori.

      Rencontre Ceramique La Borne, France.

      Exhibition of Bamboo Brush and Ceramic Inkstone, Masuda Gallery.

1987  '87 Selected Artists Exhibition, Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art.

      Invited to 9th Japan Ceramic Art Exhibition, Daimaru Department Store, Tokyo.

      Two Artists Show, Gallery Kisaragi, Paris.

1988  '88 Selected Artists Exhibition, Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art.

      Beer Cup Show, Gallery Mori, Tokyo.





Public Collection

Kyoto Prefectural library Museum (Kyoto Furitsu Sogo Shiryo Kan)

The Japan Foundation.

National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo.

National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto.

Kure Municipal Museum of Art, Hiroshima.

County Museum, Los Angeles, U.S.A.

Musée d' Art de Bertlan, Chateauroux, France.

Emba Museum of Chinese Modern Art.

Museo della Caramica di Faenza, Italy.

Canterbury Art Museum, New Zealand New Castle Art Museum, Australia.

New South Wales Country Museum of Art, Australia.

Ariana Art Museum, Switzerland.

Musée National des Arts Décoratifs, Paris.




"Contemporary Ceramic Work" vol.16, Kodansha, Tokyo.

"Modern Japanese Ceramic Work" vol.15, Kodansha, Tokyo.

"Modern Japanese Art — Color Edition" vol. 16, Shogakukan,

"Best Ten Ceramists in Japan Now" ("Geijutsu Shincho" May 1982)