【Exhibition】The National Museum of Art, Osaka : 'Yoichi Umetsu Crystal Palace'

'Yoichi Umetsu: Crystal palace'

The special exhibition ‘Yoichi Umetsu: Crystal Palace’ has finally opened at the National Museum of Art, Osaka. 

The exhibition welcomed many visitors on its first day.

The 600 works on display are astonishing, but the exhibition space, which was created over a period of two weeks, is so spectacular that it could also be described as a work of art. This exhibition includes paintings, drawings, videos, ceramics, prints and other works from the early stages of Umetsu’s career that are exhibiting for the first time, as well as his latest works, including ‘Pollen Strainer’ and ‘Palm Tree’, which were completed in Marubai's kiln during the exhibition period.

A limited number of invitation tickets have been requested and will be sent out as soon as they are received.

We hope you will take this rare opportunity to visit the exhibition.


'Yoichi Umetsu: Crystal Palace'
Dates:Tuesday, June 4, 2024 〜 Sunday, October 6 
Opening Hours: 10:00 〜 17:00 (10:00 〜 20:00 on Fridays and Saturdays).
*Last admission 30 minutes before closing.
Closed on Mondays (except July 15, August 12, September 16, September 23) and July 16, August 13, September 17, September 24
Venue:The National Museum of Art Osaka
Admission: Adults 1700 yen/ University student 700 yen
Organized by:The National Museum of Art Osaka
Sponsored by: Daikin Foundation for Contemporary Arts

June 5, 2024
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